
For a layman Responsible Tourism can be understood as "making better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit." Responsible Tourism necessitates that operators, hoteliers, governments, local people and tourists take responsibility, take action to make tourism more sustainable.

Tag Tours India as per The Cape Town Declaration recognises that Responsible Tourism takes a variety of forms, it is characterised by travel and tourism which:

·         Reduces adverse effects on the economy, the environment, and society;

·         Increases economic benefits for locals;

·         Improves working conditions and access to the sector;

·         Involves locals in decisions that have an influence on their lives and how those lives are changing;

·         As a result of deeper connections with locals and a better understanding of their cultural, social, and environmental concerns, tourists are able to have more fulfilling experiences while travelling.

·         Access is also provided for those who are less fortunate and those with disabilities.

·         Finally, cultural sensitivity fosters respect between visitors and hosts and helps to preserve the world's diversity.

Tag India Tours attempts to ensure that all stake holders which are answerable to us adheres to guidelines of responsible tourism.